
What’s the Best Soil for Growing Weed Indoor?


Soil is the conventional way of growing plants. Growers still prefer soil more than hydroponic system because it is familiar and has been in use for thousands of years. However, there are so many types of soil available working best for different plants; buying best soil for weed is often a challenge. If you have decided to grow your cannabis in soil, picking the best possible soil will lead you to heavier, healthier yields.

best soil for weed

Unless you are picking a well-known cannabis-friendly brand, we would recommend doing some thorough research by reading the right articles. We hope that by the end of this article, you will find the best soil for weed. 

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Why is Soil Important for Cannabis?

Growing cannabis is not a simple task. You must hit all the right spots that include perfect growing medium, proper light cycle, and the right amount of water and nutrients to get a highly-flavored and potent weed.

Although many growers are shifting to the hydroponics system, it still could not completely replace soil. Why? You may ask. The answer is the existence of millions of beneficial microbes in the soil. They ensure that the soil remains a healthy and nutritious medium for plants by adding essential nutrients, aerating the soil, and providing organic matter as a growing medium.  

What are the Basic Types of Soil?

As already discussed, the soil is not of just one type. In the case of cannabis, there are only a handful of types that work best. In general, the soil is a mixture of silt, sandy or clay textures. Whenever you touch some soil, its texture says a lot about its origin and structure. Here are the attributes of a few famous types of mud.

Sandy Soils

Sandy soils have a granular texture. You will feel the granules when you touch it. It has a lower pH level which provides a highly oxygenated environment. Sandy soils also provide better drainage and prevent compaction. Due to the granulated texture, they are super easy to work with.

However, there are a few downsides to this type which cannot be ignored. The granular texture allows the soil to dry quickly. Hence, it has poor water retention. Moreover, the nutrients also get washed away during this process.

Silt Soils

Silt soils are comparatively less granular than the sandy soils. Hence its size can be attributed as medium granular. This soil is naturally fertile, containing several nutrients and stabilizing agents. It can retain water and avoids washing away the essentials. However, the size does not allow proper drainage, resulting in compaction.

Clay Soils

Clay soils, on the other hand, have small granular size. It has a high pH level, providing a lot of essential minerals and stabilizing agents. Due to the smaller size, this soil can retain water. However, it is heavy and a little hard to work with in comparison to the sandy soils. Clay soils have poor drainage, resulting in compaction.

Clay Soil

Loam Soil – Best Soil for Weed

Most plants can survive in their native soils, dominated by one of the above-mentioned soils. However, cannabis plants require a suitable mixture of all three soils to grow perfectly. This mixture is called Loam. It has the best attributes of all three soils, making it the best soil for cannabis.

Loam Soil

Texture of Best Soil for Weed

The texture of loamy soil is the best way to identify it. As it has the parts of both clay and sandy soils, it behaves accordingly. If you try to make a ball of sandy soil, it will crumble, and you will not be able to compact it. 

However, the clay soil will be a lot easier to compact and will make a ball right away. Now, if you try to make a ball from loamy soil, it will hold its structure for a moment and then crumble into large chunks. 

Attributes of Best Soil for Weed

Loam soil has the following qualities:

  • A mixture of sandy, silt and clay soil
  • Almost neutral pH level
  • Better drainage 
  • Water and nutrient retention
  • Natural fertility
  • Easy to work with
  • Highly oxygenated
  • Full of beneficial microbes

Loam soils are the best choice for growing cannabis as its composition is diverse and rich. Not only the texture and color feel good, but it also smells alive and rich in nutrients. The only downside of this soil is that it can be expensive.

The Signs of Best Soil for Weed Growing

To see if the soil is good for growing cannabis, you can judge it by the signs. Knowing what to look for will help you a lot in selecting a type of soil. Here is the list of features that signal the goodness of a soil.

  • The soil looks dark and hearty
  • It has a mixed texture of clay and sandy soils
  • The soil retains water without deoxygenating them

Remember that the best soil for weed also depends on the particular strain of cannabis you are growing. For instance, if it is an auto-flowering strain, you do not need a nutrient-rich soil. In such case, you might need a different soil recipe. 

Cannabis Soil Ingredients for a Good Soil Mix

You can increase the potential of soil by adding the right ingredients. Just make sure to make a mix in proper proportions. Here is a list of ingredients you can use to make an organic soil for cannabis. 

  • A compost
  • An organic base material (coco coir or peat moss)
  • An aerating agent (vermiculite or perlite) 

Although the general practice is to mix all these ingredients in equal parts, you can vary them according to your plant needs. For instance, if you want to grow auto-flowering strains, you might want to use a soil which is not heavily fertilized as your plants do not need it. Hence, in that particular case, you can make a mixture with 50% soil and 50% a combination of coco coir and peat-based soil with high perlite in equal parts.

The coco coir is made from coconut husks. It helps greatly with water retention. Perlite, on the other hand, consists of light and airy rocks that ensure proper drainage. However, you might want to take it slow with the fertilizers. Do not rush your plants as it can result in derogatory and irreversible damage. Give your plants some time to grow by itself in the initial phase.

The Best Soil for Weed / Cannabis / Marijuana – Reviews

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Fox Farm Happy Frog

Fox Farm Happy Frog
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Fox Farm is the go-to-brand for experienced cannabis growers. The Happy Frog Potting Soil from FoxFarm contains all the right ingredients to serve as an efficient indoor potting soil.

Product Highlights

The secret of growing high potency cannabis lies in giving the plants essential nutrients from the soil. Happy Frog Potting Soil is not only rich in nutrients but is also a great source of beneficial microbes and fungi. These two ingredients break down the organic matter in the soil, letting the plant roots take up the required nutrients.

The Happy Frog Potting Soil is rich in organic matter, including worm castings, bat guano, and forest humus. It consists of all the top quality content, so you do not have to worry about your plants getting ineffective or poor quality ingredients. 

Moreover, the Happy Frog Potting Soil comes in a ready to use form. It is highly recommended for cannabis planted indoors. Also, this soil has an adjustable pH between 6.3 to 6.8. This allows the maximum intake of water and nutrients by the plants. 

The Happy Frog Potting Soil ensures healthier and stronger plants, active vegetative growth, and better yields. With a light texture and aerated pH, this soil comes in a two cubic ft bag weighing 45 lb. No topsoil, fillers or sludge is included.


  • High-quality ingredients
  • Adjustable pH
  • Aerated
  • Light texture
  • Ready to use
  • Inexpensive


  • Unsustainable packaging

Blue Ribbon Organic Soil for Cannabis

Blue Ribbon Organic Soil for Cannabis
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Based in California, Blue Ribbon Organics is headed by experienced growers. They take pride in their all-natural and organic products. Blue Ribbon Organics bring a certified, high-quality, and safe organic soil for farmers, gardeners, and everyone in between.

Product Highlights

If you want healthy, strong, vibrant, high-yielding and disease-resistant plants, provide them with a wide spectrum of nutrients. Remember that adding nutrients to the soil is not as effective in indoor growing as it is in outdoor growing. This is especially true in the case of cannabis.

Blue Ribbon has introduced an OMRI certified compost which contains grass clippings, composted vegetables, and other natural ingredients. Fully composted in a DNR-licensed facility, Blue Ribbon’s Organic Compost is an odorless and nutrient-rich food source for your weed.

This compost does not burn at all and can be used at any concentration. You can add worm castings and other natural fertilizers to give your plants a healthy boost. Its unique and organic content makes it compatible with all other necessary ingredients.


  • Improved soil structure
  • Aerating agents
  • Water retention
  • OMRI certified
  • Safe to use at any proportion
  • Compatible with all soil builders


  • Expensive
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Super Soil Organic Concentrate

Super Soil Organic Concentrate
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Super Soil Organic Concentrate is a proud production of Nature’s Living Soil. In order to ease their customers, Nature’s Living Soil decided to introduce a live soil, rich with microorganisms. You can sit back and simply water the plants from seed to harvest.

Product Highlights

The Super Soil Organic Concentrate is full of beneficial microbes containing all the nutrients to take the plant from the stage of seed to harvest. You can simply mix one pound of living soil into the five gallons of potting soils to make it ready to use organic super soil. 

The concentrate is rich in the ingredients that make growing easier than ever. The main ingredients include organic worm castings, blood meal, bone meal, high-quality bat guano, and several beneficial microorganisms.


  • High-quality organic concentrate
  • Rich in microbes
  • Highly fertile 


  • High odor
  • Expensive

Dr Earth Gold

Dr Earth Gold
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Dr Earth’s Pot of Gold All-Purpose Potting Soil is a highly versatile product. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, this soil works wonders for indoor cannabis growth. Dr Earth’s Gold Potting Soil is MycoApply certified, OMRI listed and is perfectly safe to use.

Product Highlights

Dr Earth’s Gold Potting Soil is an efficient choice for giving your plants the required boost. It comes in an eight-quart bag and includes Pro-Moisture Hydrate. This soil is formulated for both outdoor and indoor container and potting use. You can use it as a soil amendment for the in-ground cannabis planting and transplanting or as a compost and soil booster.

Dr Earth’s Fold Potting Soil is rich with high-quality organic ingredients. It also includes Trubiotic soil microbes with both endo and ectomycorrhizal fungi.  


  • High-quality ingredients
  • Rich in microbes
  • Versatile
  • Suitable for all plants


  • Does not come in a resealable bag

Kind Soil Hot Soil

Kind Soil Hot Soil
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Based in Michigan, Kind Soil brings a water-only system. Its Hot Soil can do wonders if used with proper base media. With Hot Soil, you will never need extra soil boosters or fertilizers.

Product Highlights

Hot Soil is indoor growers go-to-soil for cannabis growing. It is heavily loaded with all the required ingredients. The only thing you will have to do is water your plants properly. Make sure that your water’s pH level falls between 6.3 – 7.0. If it is lower than 6.3, use potassium bicarbonate to fix it. Similarly, if its higher than 7.1, you can use citric acid to make it fall in the range.

Also, do not overwater your plants, it will kill the plants. Remember that less is more. You can always add water when needed. With Kind Soil’s Hot Soil, just make sure not to exceed the maximum veg times given for the amount of soil you are using. It will bring your weed the amazing flavors and extraordinary smell. 

Remember that it is a complete system, hence do not add anything other than recommended. Follow the instructions for amazing results.


  • High quality
  • Organic
  • Rich in ingredients
  • Only-water system


  • High odor

Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil

Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
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FoxFarm is a leading brand of cannabis soil. Probably the reason it is mentioned in our list twice. Another great soil from FoxFarm is the Ocean Forest Potting Soil. It brings all the good things from the sea and the earth to your plants.

Product Highlights

The ultimate Ocean Forest Potting Soil is heavily loaded with all the required ingredients. It is no less than a powerhouse blend of top-quality products. It is designed to be used in containers and indoor growing. You can start using it right away.

The Ocean Forest Potting Soil has an adjustable pH between 6.3 to 6.8, allowing maximum fertilizer intake. Try to avoid nitrogen fertilizers in the start. Instead try to use an organic blend to ensure sturdy, healthy, and strong plants.


  • High quality
  • Rich ingredients
  • Organic blend
  • Adjustable pH


  •  Expensive

Conclusion | What is the Best Soil for Weed?

Choosing the right soil is very important for the healthy growth of your weed crop. A soil can either give a super boost to your system or hinder their growth completely. Using soil is less expensive, and a tried and tested method for growing plants. Hence, it is especially advised to beginner. While you might have already decided on which of the above-mentioned soil has attracted you the most

However, if you are still confused, we have some recommendations. If you can stand the strong odor and money isn’t an issue, pick Super Soil Organic Concentrate for rapid and healthier weed growth. However, if you would rather choose the one without any smell but has great results, FoxFarm’s Happy Frog is the best choice.

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